Semo Port


Board of Commissioners

The Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority (Semo Port) is governed by a nine-member Board of Commissioners. Four members are appointed to staggered four-year terms by Cape Girardeau County, four members are appointed to staggered four-year terms by Scott County, and a ninth member (whose appointment alternates between the two counties) serves a two-year term.

The officers of the Board are elected by the Board of Commissioners. The positions include Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary. Members of the Board also serve on various committees: construction, finance, maintenance, marketing, and planning.

Membership and Officers as of January 1, 2025:

Name Title Term Expires
Steve Obermann Chairman 12-31-2026
Brian Menz Vice Chairman 12-31-2025
Larry Dowdy Treasurer 12-31-2025
Jim Simmons Secretary 12-31-2027
Rob Erlbacher, II Commissioner 12-31-2027
Gary Miller Commissioner 12-31-2028
Mark Phillips Commissioner 12-31-2025
Kent Puchbauer Commissioner 12-31-2028
Lloyd Smith Commissioner 12-31-2026