Semo Port


Semo Port Railroad – Revenue Stations

Station Railroad FSAC OPSC Jct Code ZIP SPLC Interchange
Cape Girardeau MO CAPGI 63701 574170 BNSF
BNSF 98131 26805
SE 15 15
UP 3800 52186
Marquette MO 63701 574181 none
SE 10 10
UP 3801 52184
Semo Port MO 63780 577208 none
SE 07 7
UP 3802 52182
City MO
63780 577213 none
SE 06 6
Capedeau Junction MO CPDJT 63780 577212 UP
SE 05 5
UP 3924 52180
This item for informational purposes only. Refer to proper tariffs for current information.
Semo Port MO station has post office address of Scott City MO but is not in city limits.
BNSF has not assigned station numbers to SE stations as of this time.
FSAC is freight station accounting code number, as assigned by each railroad to its stations.
OPSC is “Open and Prepay Station List” code number, as assigned by OPSL tariff publisher.
Junction Code is assigned to interchange points by Association of American Railroads.
ZIP is three-digit region of U. S. Postal Service zip code.
SPLC is standard point location code, as assigned through Association of American Railroads.